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Bachelor of Science

BSc (Hons) Professional Policing (Accelerated)

Our Accelerated BSc (Hons) Professional Policing covers all the same material as our BSc Professional Policing degree, but in two years rather than three. It is designed for those who are able to dedicate extra time to your studies on a weekly basis and want to get into employment quicker. This degree is the fastest of the Police Constable Entry Routes (PCER) if you do not already have a degree and is designed to meet the requirements of the College of Policing National Curriculum. The University of Law is licensed by the College of Policing to deliver the Pre-join Degree in Professional Policing, which means it can be your first step towards becoming a Police Constable.

Police lights on top of car Police lights out of focus

Key Facts

Entry requirements

A Level: ABB
UCAS Tariff Points*: 128
GCSE: English Language Grade C/4 or above, or equivalent qualification.

*From three A Levels or equivalent

Course requirements ➔

Entry requirements

Next start date

September 2025

See all Start Dates



Learn more about the process for applying to us and where to get started.


We work with many police forces to enable students to know about all their graduate opportunities.

Over 4 years’ experience in successfully delivering high quality professional policing degrees.

Ranked Top 10 in the UK for Teaching in the 2024 National Student Survey.

Course Details

Accelerated BSc (Hons) Professional Policing

UCAS code: N521

Our two year Accelerated Professional Policing degree is designed to get you either into employment or to the next stage of your professional training as quickly as possible, without compromising on quality. It will provide you with a professional knowledge of the ethics, skills and attitudes that are critical to twenty-first century policing.

The course has been designed to meet the requirements of the College of Policing National Curriculum for the role of a Police Constable under the Police Constable Entry Routes (PCER) Framework. We are licensed by the College of Policing to offer the Pre-join Degree in Professional Policing – a qualification recognised by police services that is achieved prior to recruitment.

You will study a range of key topics in the area of crime, criminology, law, terrorism, associated psychology, sociology and criminal investigation. You will also learn through realistic scenarios and the use of a crime scene suite or pop-up facilities* - watch the video. Optional modules will provide an opportunity to look deeper into issues such as forensic and criminal psychology, zemiology (the study of social harms), cybercrime and youth crime.

The degree will provide you with all of the knowledge required prior to joining the police force and will also be of interest if you are looking to study at Master’s level or work in the wider security and criminal justice sector. Also, as a graduate of the Professional Policing Degree you would be eligable to take part in the PC to Inspector Fast Track programme - you can find more information on the College of Policing website here.

Please note the degree has a currency of 5 years following graduation for recruitment into policing and you must still apply to the police force and satisfy their eligibility criteria. Please contact the Police Service for more information.

Statistics from the 2023 National Student Survey show that 96% of Policing and Criminology students were positive about learning opportunities on their course and 91% were positive about the teaching on their course.

*The video shows the London Bloomsbury crime scene suite. Facilities vary by campus.

Why study Professional Policing with us?

  • Excellent careers support including talks from employers in the criminal justice sector, in particular talks from police forces
  • Links with police forces throughout the country 
  • Modules are designed and taught by lecturers who have a wealth of experience of working in the field
  • Excellent student support across a wide number of areas, ranging from academic support to helping you find and prepare for your future career
  • Experience real life policing scenarios in the metaverse using VR

Course Structure

Semester 1

Understanding the Police Constable Role and Professional Standards
We look at the history of policing in the UK and how the modern police service was created. We will also cover what it means to be a Police Constable and the structure of the police service (various ranks and departments within the police).

The Criminal Justice System: Key Legislation, Offences and Civil Matters
This module will give an overview of the criminal justice system, the basic principles of criminal liability and an introduction to actus reus, mens rea, strict liability and some statutory defences. It will also include sexual offences, drug offences and offences under the Public Order Act.

Introduction to Criminology, Crime Prevention and Key Psychological Concepts
The module will introduce students to core issues, theories, concepts and debates in criminology as well as relevant aspects of psychology. We will also look at crime prevention theories underpinning preventative policing.

Foundation for Operational Policing Skills: Decision Making, Discretion and Problem Solving

Semester 2

Core Principles of Evidence Based Policing, Information and Intelligence
Within this module, we will look at the concept of evidence-based policing. Students will discuss the merits as well as potential constraints associated with an evidence-based policing approach.

Community Policing, Antisocial Behaviour and Introduction to Road Policing
The module introduces community policing. This includes looking at how antisocial behaviour can impact communities and what police powers are available to deal with antisocial behaviour. It also includes the basic offences and police powers for policing the roads.

Introduction to Vulnerability and Risk

Choose one*:

  • Cybercrime
  • Forensic and Criminal Psychology
  • Youth and Crime
  • Zemiology (Social Harms)

*All options are indicative and subject to availability.

Response Policing and Police Investigations
We will be looking at the purpose of response policing. This will also include learning about assessing risk, safeguarding, intelligence, use of technology and responding to different environments. We will also further develop our knowledge of powers concerning lawful search and entry, arrest and stop and search. The module also introduces concepts, terminology, principles, powers and legislation that are essential to conducting police investigations.

Semester 1

Public Protection: Understanding Abuse & Impact
This Module will introduce you to public protection in a policing context. You will learn about serious offences such as child abuse, female genital mutilation (FGM), domestic abuse (DA), modern slavery, trafficking and honour-based abuse.

Information, Intelligence and Digital Policing
We look at issues pertaining to the collection, retention and sharing of information and intelligence and explain the relevant intelligence sources appropriate to policing operations. We will also look at the role of the police in providing crime prevention advice for digital-facilitated crimes.

Responding to Major and Critical Incidents
This module discusses the role and responsibilities of the police at a major incident and examines the effectiveness of joint interoperability between the emergency services.

Custody, Interview and Criminal Justice

Semester 2

Research Methods/Dissertation (double module)
Students will learn about core research methods and will be planning, researching, and undertaking a substantial independent piece of research in the area of current policing practices.

Supporting those at Risk of Harm & Victims of internet-facilitated crimes
This module looks at the importance of vulnerable people being appropriately supported by the police, and we will learn how to assess how a vulnerable person may respond to a police presence at an incident. We will also look at types of digital-facilitated crimes, identifying individuals who may be especially vulnerable and analysing and evaluating the impact of digital-facilitated crimes on the individual and family.

Investigating Serious Crime and Understanding Terrorism and Transnational Organised Crime

Students will be provided with an overview of transnational organised crime (TOC) and current academic terrorism research. The second part of the module focuses on the investigative process. We will be discussing homicide investigations and how additional sources of intelligence can be obtained during a complex investigation.

Counter-Terrorism and Advanced Road Policing
The module will provide students with an understanding of key concepts and terminology related to counter-terrorism policing. The process of radicalisation as well as the National Counter-terrorism strategy, key legislation and organisational structure will be explained. The module will also explain the legislation applicable to more complex road investigations. It will highlight the particular policing issues relating to the strategic road network and students will gain knowledge of the key pieces of legislation affecting this area.

Complete Dissertation
Students will learn about core research methods and will be planning, researching, and undertaking a substantial independent piece of research in the area of current policing practices.

Course Start Dates

  • BSc Professional Policing (Accelerated)
    • Full-time: Birmingham, Leeds and London Bloomsbury

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Course Information


To get a full picture of how studying this policing course works during the year, take a look at our course date breakdowns.



A wide range of assessment methods will be used across all modules to ensure that all programme outcomes can be demonstrated by students. These include unseen essay type exams, Knowledge and Reasoning Exams, Mock Scenarios, Reflective & Critical Essays, Posters and Case Studies.

This variety of approach reflects more closely the practical focus of the programme, and the assessment instruments test more accurately and with greater realism the knowledge, skills and attributes required of students. It also helps to remove barriers to some students who might perform better in different types of assessments.

In each module students will have the benefit of formative assessments aligned to the methodology of the particular summative assessment. Additional formative assessment of knowledge and understanding will take place through the regular activities within workshops.

Student working from a text book


You must pass each module to be awarded your degree. A pass mark is 40% and above.

70%                  1

60-69%             2.1

50-59%             2.2

40-49%             3

Student taking a written exam

Employability We Set You Up For Success

We care about your career, which is why we offer support with job applications and other work experience opportunities as soon as you accept your place.

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Woman on the phone smiling

Fees and Applying


Applications for all our undergraduate courses are open.

Student reading in library


2025/26 Course Fee

  • UK Students per year: £11,440 per annum
  • International Students per year: £22,150 (London), £20,350 (non-London)

If you need to fund your studies with a student loan you can apply via Student Finance.



We have students from over 120 different countries throughout our campuses, with a dedicated team to help international students.

Student looking at smart phone

Official course data