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ULaw Celebrates with BPTC* Awards

Moods were high in Bloomsbury last week, as The University of Law’s BPTC graduating class of 2016 gathered for their Prize Giving and Pupillage ceremony.

By Editorial Team. Published 23 September 2016. Last updated 11 February 2020.

*Now known as the Bar Professional Course (BPC).

Twenty-five aspiring barristers were presented with their wigs and, between them, received 31 prizes and awards. BPTC Director, Jacqueline Cheltenham presented the graduates their prizes and wigs with the help of Steve Illingworth (BPTC Head of Course) and Professor Andrea Nollent (ULaw Provost), while representatives of Chambers handed out their respective sponsored prizes.

This is the first year of graduates following ULaw’s newly created, and characteristically unique, BPTC selection process. And the figures demonstrate an excellent result. With 54% of graduating students already receiving offers of pupillage, and more than double the national average obtaining a top grade of ‘Outstanding’, it is easy to see why ULaw continues to be such a saught-after institution.

“These results demonstrate that our unique selection process, when combined with the high quality teaching, employability support and enhanced advocacy opportunities our course provides, really works to give our students the best chances of success,” said Ms Cheltenham.

This success is in part thanks to ULaw’s dedication to giving 100% support and encouragement to students. Whether they are interested in entering reknowned national and international advocacy competitions, or wish to practice their skills with the Future Pupil Programme, ULaw’s commitment to surpass the requirements of the Bar Standards Board is clear.

In a further step towards offering excellent support and services, ULaw will be hosting the Bar Council’s Pupillage Fair at its Moorgate campus on 22 October 2016. This is the only fair run by the Bar, giving students the chance to meet representatives of a wide variety of chambers and organisations. Students can register their place via the Bar Council website.

Applications for ULaw’s 2017 BPTC will open in December 2016 and our unique selection events will run from 13-18 February 2017 at ULaw’s London Bloomsbury, Leeds, and Birmingham centres.

Find out more about our BPTC programme, or request a prospectus.