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We Support Your Ambition: Nasratullah Mir

Nasratullah Mir began studying his LPC/LLM at our Moorgate campus in 2019. We caught up with Nasratullah to discuss how ULaw continues to support his ambition to become a successful solicitor during these testing times and get his advice for students considering a journey into law.

By Cara Fielder. Published 4 September 2020. Last updated 13 March 2021.

I chose to study at The University of Law because of its focus on developing practical skills through case studies, the wide range of employability modules and the professionalism of the tutors. Another reason for my choice was that a master's degree was offered with the LPC at no extra cost. At ULaw, students also have a wide choice of electives they may want to study, whereas with other institutions the elective subjects are limited.

When I hear the word ambition, I think of something difficult but not impossible. My own ambition is to secure a training contract with a law firm in a bid to qualify as a solicitor. I would like to become a renowned and successful solicitor and become a partner of a law firm.

I would like to specialise in employment law when I become a qualified lawyer, as this is one of the areas of law which covers the relationship between employees and employers. It includes what employers can expect from employees, the rights of employees over employers, advising employees on their contract of employment and informing employers on how best to conduct a grievance, disciplinary procedure or defend a tribunal claim raised by their employees. I chose this module as one of my electives for my LPC.

I had the ambition of becoming a professional cricketer before deciding on law. The change of ambition was sparked by my father’s decision to bring his family to the UK from abroad. He went to an immigration firm for advice and I was fascinated to hear about his solicitor’s involvement in immigration cases. I was attracted by a role where logical argument could be used to protect individuals who, like my father, are caught up in a complex and emotional situation.

I have already gained the additional skills that a professional solicitor in practice is required to possess. I achieved this by taking part in related classes and through my continued involvement in a variety of professional debates in classes. The additional classes enhanced my confidence when interacting with people professionally, as well as personally.

There is one person who inspired my ambition and he is the former President of the United States, Barak Obama. He went through a lot; from not having the support of his father early in his life, to the day he graduated from the Harvard School of Law. I find him inspiring because he achieved his goals despite encountering family issues and racial differences.

ULaw has boosted my confidence and increased my practical knowledge in law which I was lacking previously. Having made use of the services that ULaw offers, I’m now ready to commence working in a law firm with the skills I’ve acquired. I have used the employability service, study skills and student services which I found useful and productive. I enhanced my communication skills and received help with CV writing from the helpful people working in these departments. I have been taught to manage and prioritise my workload effectively, even under extreme pressure. I’ll use the legal knowledge that I have acquired for the rest of my life.

I would describe my classmates as ambitious and this has helped me immensely, since it brings about positivity and motivation to grow strong, work hard and develop further.

My advice to new students at ULaw would be to embrace learning, build a professional network among students, join clubs and societies, and make use of all the resources that are available at ULaw. There is plenty of help available for all your needs (teaching staff are willing to help in any medium of communication that students feel uncomfortable with) so utilise the services that are at your fingertips, e.g. employability, study skills etc.

Continuing to learn new things is what's important to me and I want to progress at a reasonable pace. Working with sophisticated professionals is also crucial – as I feel like I’m at my best when working with other high-quality people. Over the next five years I’d like to have a variety of work experience under my belt. I’d like to be seen as someone with deep expertise in the legal sector and I know that’s something that I’ll develop by working and being part of a reputable law firm. I’m also excited about becoming an associate solicitor and will be willing to work on big projects that require extensive time and attention which I hope will consequently lead me to become a partner.

If I could speak to a younger version of myself, I’d say this is a challenging course and a big commitment but don't let it overwhelm you. Enjoy every moment of it, cherish it and grasp all the things that you might need to refer to in the future.


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