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Our Marketing Volunteers: Why I chose my course

Choosing a university and specific course can be daunting, especially as there are so many different avenues to choose from. We spoke with some of our current students to hear first-hand about what inspired their choices.

By Elsa Tatam. Published 27 December 2022. Updated 17 January 2024.


Louise Michael is studying an MSc in Project Management at our Manchester campus.

I chose to study Project Management because it offers diverse career opportunities.
Every organisation undertakes some form of project or another, so being a project manager enables me to come up with great ideas and bring them to fruition.
I would also love to become a consultant, where I would be able to put my project management skills into effectively planning, monitoring, and executing projects successfully for clients.

I chose to study on campus as it was a great opportunity to immerse myself in a different culture and an entirely different educational system.
I also believed this mode of study was the best for me as it offered opportunities to meet and interact with people from different backgrounds, races, and cultures.
Most importantly, it was an opportunity for me to explore new areas, broaden my horizons and enhance my personal growth.


Presley Bee is studying the LLM at our Birmingham campus

Since I was young, I always looked up to my grandad who had spent most of his life as a police officer and made his way up through the ranks. I wanted to follow in his footsteps and when I got to college, I was driven to achieve this goal. I took law in college as I believed it would be important to know the law as a police officer.

However, in my first law class, we learned about solicitors and barristers and up to that point, I didn’t really know much about those roles. During that lesson and future lessons on the subject, I realised that this was the career for me, and I believe it is the job where I can do the most to help people and the communities. Choosing to study law in college is one of the defining moments in my life as without that choice I wouldn’t be at The University of Law.

Helping people has always been something I enjoy; learning about the role of the solicitor, the client interaction and casework jumped out at me and showed me my future career path. Moving to university, I chose law at The University of Law as I liked the personal touch that it offered by operating on a much smaller basis to deliver more focused teaching.

I have had support from my family and my local community to achieve this goal and I want to give back to the community through various pro-bono work. Volunteering is a big way I currently give back to the community and my work at Citizens Advice is very rewarding. I hope that my efforts are giving the same support and help to the Birmingham community that I had in Surrey.


Chelsi-marie Flax Solomon is studying the LLM SQE is based in Tortola and studying with us online.

I chose to undertake the LLM SQE course because I would like to complete my legal studies and become a qualified legal practitioner both in England and in my home country.

It was most practical for me to elect an online mode of study due to the financial constraints that I am experiencing, as well as the flexibility that an online mode of study offers me. I can spend time with my family and on my work, gaining the required legal hours alongside being able to stay on top of my study schedule in a way that best suits my needs due to time zone differences.


Jordan Lancaster is currently studying our Online LLM

My desire to study law comes from three female judges whose career path has inspired me, and their personal encouragement of women to enter law: Ruth Bader Ginsberg (Supreme Court) and Joan Churchill (immigration) in the US and Lady Hale (Supreme Court) in the UK. I have had the privilege to meet both Joan Churchill and Lady Hale personally and speak with them about my career.

I must also recognise and thank my alma mater, The University of Law. Had it not been for the University’s innovative approach to e-learning and development of the Online campus, I would not have found it so easy to access my studies. I am proud to study at an institution which invests in diverse and inclusive pathways into law.


Based at our Birmingham campus, Claire Reape is studying our LPC LLM as a part-time student.

I chose to study the Legal Practice Course with a Master’s for a variety of reasons. It offers a well-rounded legal education, enhances my employability, allows for specialisation, develops research skills, provides career flexibility, presents intellectual challenges, facilitates networking, and promotes personal growth. This dual qualification will prepare me comprehensively for a successful and fulfilling career in law.

My decision to study part-time while working full-time is driven by a desire to maintain financial stability, leverage my professional experience, continue my career progression, expand my network, lead a balanced life, explore new career opportunities gradually, self-finance my education, potentially receive employer support, and foster personal growth through effective time management. This approach allows me to pursue higher education while building on the foundation of my current career.


Elizabeth Cliffe is working towards her Level 7 Solicitor Apprenticeship in Manchester.

It is a combination of the degree course and SQE examinations- and I just thought that was the perfect way for me to become a solicitor. The work experience I will obtain during the 6 years will be invaluable for career progression.

The online learning set-up is fantastic as it allows me to work remotely and be more productive as I can utilise the time I would have used commuting otherwise.


Andreea Ion is at our Liverpool campus and studying the Bar Practice Course.

During my undergraduate degree, I struggled to make my mind up. While I knew I wanted to progress in my legal career, I was unsure whether I should go down the solicitor or barrister route. In the end, after engaging in advocacy through various competitions, I realised that I truly enjoy the court environment. I am a very confident and outspoken person. I love to advocate for myself and others. Throughout my undergraduate degree, I did just that through various extracurricular activities such as being a course representative and working pro-bono in a legal advice clinic.

Studying full-time has allowed me to concentrate and dedicate my time to the BPC. I wanted to be able to apply as soon as possible for pupillage. Studying full time was also a direct benefit of being in receipt of the Future Lawyers Scholarship. As a widening and participation student, without the scholarship, I would have had to undertake the course part-time in order to be able to cover my living expenses and fees. The scholarship made my financial situation more stable and as a result I was able to choose full-time.


Kimberley Shelmerdine is at our Manchester campus and studying Business Management.

Whilst I am still in the process of deciding what career I would like to pursue, I know that studying Business Management will allow me to explore a range of career paths as it offers numerous transferable skills such as strategies for planning, risk management, quality control, leading people and vital communication approaches.


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